After consecutive days of rain here in Singapore, it was finally clear and bright yesterday. Mom took the opportunity to bring me to MacRitchie Reserviour for a good walk.
It was rather cooling and Mom felt lazy, so she took photos while she got her sister to hold my leash instead.
It was rather cooling and Mom felt lazy, so she took photos while she got her sister to hold my leash instead.
Mom's so lazy that she's lagging so far behind, I had to make so many stopover just to wait for her to catch up. Anyone knows if there's cure for the disease?
I remember chasing monkeys when I was here the last time. Where are they now?
*Come out come out wherever you are*
We continued walking,before these appeared!
Mom got really close to them just to get this shot.
But I could only get this close to them.
Guess what that woman did to me after we got home? Yea, shower! Now I'm plotting whether to pee on her bed or to extort some treats from the stash.