Mom suspects that I might have some bladder bladder problem, reason being, I'ved been peeing in my sleep! It happened some months ago, and Mom thought I was stressed out by the change in environment, but just 2 days ago, it happened, so many times in just 1 night.
At 10pm, while sleeping beside Mom on the sofa, I peed a puddle.
1010pm, got locked in the room to let go on the papers, which I did.
1130pm, peed a puddle again while I slept on Mom's pillow.
1140pm, got chased out of the bedroom, into the utility toom to let go again, which I did.
1215am, back into the bedroom.
3am, peed another puddle on Mom's quilt, and got banished from the bedroom for the night.
It's bad isn't it?
So off to the vet we went, as I'm prone to excited/submissive urination, the doctor thinks that the problem might be weak muscles, so I was given some propaline and Mom was to monitor me for a week.
Very evil Mom made me go through a blood test too, to check for heartworms, condition of liver & kidneys, and blood counts. We were made to wait like 20mins before the results came out! And we were there for like 1hr 30mins altogether! Way past my dinner time!
hermmm..... is the results out yet??
What's taking so long? I'm stoning already, and getting really really sleepyyyyy....
All is well, except that my white blood cell is a little lower than normal, but still within the safe range thou. Any ideas how to increase WBC? I'm so white and yet my WBC is low? Weird.
In total Mom busted about $200 bucks! Imagine the kind of yummilicious stuffs she could have bought me? Heehee.
[mom:i would say that a $200 bucks for a piece of mind is definitely worth it! I'm gonna go back to natural food for Sundae as I believe the diet plays a big part in a dog's health now that I've seen her blood test results. I've come across dogs feed on commercial diet since young and problems started arising even before they were mid age, even if signs do not appear early, it would have been to late to start the painful treatment once it's too late.]
Oh dear Sundae. I presume the vet checked you didn't have a urine infection?
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Hi Harry,
there were no signs of UTI as I didn't felt the need to go every 30mins when I was awake. The blood test also ruled out any form of infections in the body.
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hi sundae........i was quite a sick pup when my current mum adopted me / She put me on raw veggies / raw meat and look at me now. who would have guessed that I had suffered ill health when I was a pup fed on kibbles?
hi sundae........i was quite a sick pup when my current mum adopted me / She put me on raw veggies / raw meat and look at me now. who would have guessed that I had suffered ill health when I was a pup fed on kibbles?
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