Yea! It's My cookies, with My name, and MINE to eat, but greedy mama stole 2 of them!
Thank you Aunty D! Here's my sweetest puppy smile, just for You!

The Life of a Jack Russell Terrier
Why are there 2? I don't know, Mom says she'll announce it later on when the time is right. Anyways, I've got the pink one, it kinda look too girly on me isn't it? Mom, it doesnt work this way. I'm a true blue JRT! Get a maltese if you want a pretty girly dog. :P
Guess who's in the house for 2 weeks? He's short and fat, "shares" all my food and destroyed all my toys!
None other than silly fat old man, Nono!
This was what we had for dinner, Courtesy of BooBoo's human, ThankYou!!
Me waiting for the release command EAGERLY. See how that Mom of mine can bear to make us wait and wait till we drool like nobody's business just for a photo shot?
Did I mention that I've found my sister? Or rather, she found me? Hee, judge for yourselves if we look alike. We have the same behaviour, as greedy as each other, from the same petshop and shares the same birthay!
Alfie with her orange toy.
Silly Nono had to come and be a busybody.
Surprisingly, we did not show any hostility towards each other, neither did we like recognise each other, but when the silly fat old man Nono fought with Alfie over her toy, I came in and scolded Nono, but that fat man fought me! I shall hide all my toys tonight!
We were then being punished, put on a sit/down - stay position for a long long time.
We're now looking around for our brother. Petshop : Along Upper serangoon Rd. Opend by 1 uncle. Birthday month : April.
There's 2 females [that's me and Alfie] and a male in our litter, hope we can be reunited!
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