Tuesday, September 11, 2007

An Evening Out

Woohoo! Granny called the other day, wanting to have dinner with Mom and her siblings. She missed me too, and told Mom to fins a place where we all could dine together! How thoughtful.

So off we went to Pawtobello!

Hmmm... What shall I have this evening?

MuttLoaf it shall be!

Gobble 'em up!

Mom made granny buy me a smoked lamb bone too. Tada!

We went around River Valley hunting for an Ice Cream place to no avail, so the humans decided to go visit Jordan. When I heard his name, boy was I excited! I'm gonna see my pretty lil baby brother!

But to my disappointment, he wasn't my pretty lil brother anymore. He had become a untidy PIG whom I did not want to recognise.

He's now a whopping 9KG!!

If this is what happens to a greedy dog, I'll rather have Mom controling my diet.

*oh where oh where is my pretty bro?*



Anonymous said...

where is pawtobello please??

Scruffy said...

You're so lucky. I have been trying to get my Mum to take me to Pawtobello but she still has not.

The Mighty Scruff

Sundae said...

Pawtobello is located at 33 mohd sultan road. :)

Scruffy, prolly you should go psycho your dad instead? :P
