She went ang pow collecting in Malaysia, came back, and then spent the night over at Aunty Vv's place, and went on for more this morning. At least she had some heart to bring back another packet of treats.
She came home earlier this evening smelling weird. Smells a little like what Jordan and some other tiny dogs smelt like. But I couldn't make out what it was. Until I heard Mom and Grandma's conversation!
It was this little guy whose name is Rio.

He's biological mom is a Chihuahua X Pomeranian, and his dad a Papillon. He's got a lil of his dad's ears and eyes and the colour of his Mom, but I don't know where he got his fluffy coat.
Mom gave lotsa tips and spent few hours coaching her cousins and Aunt Vv on how to go about taking care of this lil guy, part wanting them to know how to be a responsible and good dog owners and part no wanting to become a slave for 3 dogs. I certainly have no more rooms to accomodate another cukoo boy.
Mom tried the method posted by Sunshade's Mom over at Jaffa's blog as Jordan was not/never a gentle receiver of treats/food from hand. This is how he did at the start of the video, and there's me, at the 2nd half of it.
Just to share a usual stuffs Mom likes me to do. Notice how my eyes brighten up at the sight of food? *keke*
Here's some pitcures that caught "the look".
And this is 1 trick in particular that she likes seeing Jordan doing.
[mom: the part where he sways to the side after the spinning is hilarious!]
How cuckoo can this kuku-boy gets?
Off to dreamland now.