Sunday, January 28, 2007

My ex-comapnies

There isn't much to post about these days as Mom was busy with her new job on top of her studies, besides, it's been raining rats and bones [mom:it should be cats and dogs] for the past few days. Well, Mom was kind enough to whip up some goodies, we had eag and potato salad few days back, no pictures thou, Mom was lazy to get it charged up.

I've shared about the doggy companions I had in the past, now it's time for the smaller furry ones.

There was a period of time, where I kept staring up onto the shoe cabinet. Guess what I was staring into?

Yeap, Hamsters!

Mom had Winterwhites, which produced some babies.

She also kept some campbells,

and Syrians of different colours, some looked like FuFu, wonder if they're cousins.

I then had local rabbits for company after the hamsters started getting lost, died or adopted.

This is Baby, what a name. :P Don't you think he was acting cute?

But that didn't last long. Shortly after, he grew, and reached adolescent where he looks a lil ugly.

But when he became a man, without his balls thou, he looked better.

Buttons came to join the family. He wasn't nice. I remember he once nip my hind leg when I tried herding the both of them.

Most of the time, Mom feeds Baby and I together before Buttons came [mom: buttons liked dog food] , and I was fine with it so long as Baby doesnt poke his nose into my bowl. [mom: sundae never tried biting any one of the smaller animals, she just chase and follow after them, once she evem mouthed a hamster for about 5secs to keep it from running away when I was asleep, it din take me long to feel Sundae's sudden movement out from my bed.]

Sometimes, whenever I felt bored, I would lay beside their enclosure, and show Mom the piti-iest look to ask her to let them out so that I can have some fun.

I'll try to update as often as I can for the next 1.5 months if Mom remembers to switch the laptop on before she leave home. :)

Gotta go now.



Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey it looks like baby doesn't have any pads on his feet?!?!?!

Bussie Kissies

Sundae said...

Hey Butchy and Snickers, no, the bunnies aren't around anymore.

Hi Buster, Baby does have pads on his feet. Just that the long fur was covering it. :D

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

At least your bunnies are smaller than Sunshade's Georgie rabbit!

Oscar x