I, being the smarter one, was even made to help with her school work that was piling up. Being a dog is no longer easy these days.
Staring hard into space, thinking of what to write next.

Mom took over the work after 5 long hours, er, ok, Mom's watching me type. 5 long minutes it shall be.

Soon after, I fell asleep due to the amount of hardwork I put in.

As a treat for MY hard work, Mom gave us special treats for the afternoon snack. I do not know why Jordan got a share in the 1st place, but all Mom said was about being fair, BUT hey! He did not help with the work. But anyways I couldn't cared so much when the goodie foodies were brought out. We had:
1. Natural Balance Lamb and Turkey Roll
2. Cheesesticks!
3. AND stomething we haven had for a looooooooooooong time. MILK!!!
Mom went out after feeding us. Came home with a big black pee tray. We, no, she then carried on with her work until................evening, she started washing up and getting dressed, I was mad at her, I did not go over when she was at the door, and when she closed the door, I voiced out my unhappiness.
After a few hours, Mom came home smelling like food. And indeed, she brought home 2 packets of treats we've never eaten before to pacify us, it's some french fries and milk based biscuits.
Hah! My trick worked, making her feel guilty about leaving me at home, so that she'll bring home something for us at the end of the day.
Mom said we could not open this 2 packets of treat until Christmas as it'll be a part of our special treat. I'm sooooooooooooooo looking forward to Christmas!
Wet messy licks
Those lamb turkey thingies look real good!
Bussie Kissies
WOW... you lucky girl Sundae!! I love cheese too, I eat the hooman kind tho LOL!
Is your skin better now?? Maybe you are allergic to something? I was extremely allergic to wheat and it took my mum forever to find out, and I was itchy itchy all the time and had hot spots..
ps. have you had your thyroid tested? Balding or alopecia is a major symptom of hypothyroidism.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Yummy yummy, looks like you were working hard and definitely deserved that treat!
I agree with Miss Sunshade - my mom had a cat who had a thyroid condition and it sounded similar to what you had.
Miss Sunshade,
Mom said the human kinds of cheese is too salty for us, thus she bought the pet grade ones.
Thank you for the concern, I', scratching abit lesser now, but is still shedding excessively, no signs of balding in other areas thou.
Mom will get the vet to do a blood test for us when New Year comes.
Hi Bogart,
indeed i deserved that treat, else not, i'll not help Mom out in her work ever again.
Hi Sundae ! You have been xmas tagged !!! Go check out my blog to see how this game is played :D
Hi Sundae!!
Its me again :) I will like to invite you to the Singapore Dogs With Blogs XMAS PARTY on the 23 December !!!!!
Will you like to join us? Herbie and gang will be there too !!!
Please write to dwbxmas06@hotmail.com to confirm your attendance!!
Oh BTW, sorry for the short notice ..... sorry sorry .... the important thing is we love to have you :)
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