Yes, that is what I was, and am doing nowadays. Am not sure if it is the
1. damp weather or
2. the changed of food or
3. neem oil was taken off in our weekly shower or
4. Mom did not blow dry me totally after shower
It must be 4 ! I'm sure you doggy friends out there agrees with me. Let me show you a couple of pictures of the icky looking dried up blacky scabs and the bald patches on me.

Shame on you Mom, making me itch and scratch! You better do something about this fast! I wanna look good at the party in WCDR[west coast dog run] on the 23rd.
Now that Christmas is rond the corner, I shall, LIST down my wishlist for all to see. *wink*
1. I want to be fed more! At least twice the amount that I'm being given at the moment
2. I want more frisbee! Silly Mom always, yes! ALWAYS forget to bring home my frisbee when we go for outings
3. A doggy stroller that can sit both Kuku-boy and me. Alrights! I admit, Mom made me put this down. I don't understand why she wanna bring us out, yet not allowing us to walk! :P
4. Lastly, I hope that all the homeless doggy out there would find a good home, to be loved and cared for[including Happy, the Maltese Mom is fostering now]
Loads of Licks
I eat lamb & rice kibble cuz it helps with skin should try it!
Bussie Kissies
Thank you for the suggestion Buster. But it's more like an external factor to this. Mom will try the anti fungal powder and see how it goes from there. :D
But I'll still blame Mom for this, she's getting a tat too lazy for a girl. :P
I'm currently using Les Pooch's shampoo, it claimed tt it's one of the best shampoo around, Mom will try adding neem into it and see how it goes from there, meanwhile... she'll be picking out those icky scabs *ouch* and then apply the anti fungal powder thingy.
I'll try my best not to stratch, if i ever do, i'll remind myself tt i'll need to look pretty on the 23rd! :D
Thank you Butchy and Snickers for your concern and tips. :D
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