My very first few pictures, taken by AuntyW when I was there for boarding as Mom did not want the upgrading of the flat to stress me out.

Napping me. My paw-tograph, anyone?
Mom was so crazy about me that she took passprt sized photos for me as well, intended to make a doggy passport for me. :P Pictures taken by a phone nong nong ago.
As I grew, I Mom started taking more pictures of me. The following few shots are taken with a SLR cam, pardon Mom for the bad skills. :P
Then, I even had the chance to go to work with Mom.
My silly look when I'm in the process of killing Cathy.
I like being in a carrier, cos it means that I'm going out!
This is how I look like when I sense Mom going out. And yeap, I like staring into space.
That's more or less about it, shutterfly webbie aint really working good these days, I apologise if there are some pictures that doesn't turn up on certain timing. Guess I'll have to bug my friend's Moms and Dads to send me my photos which they've taken.
Heading to dreamland now, byebye.
Hey Sundae,
Is it okay if we add you to the master list of doggiebloggers over at ? We would love to have you there ! Just leave me a note on my blog if it is okay with you.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... such cuteness!
Hi Opy, yes, please do. Thank you.
Thanks Bogart, you're not too bad a puppy yourself. :D
Great photos Sundae, I loved that pic of you with bows and the smiley pic that sure can light up a gloomy day!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Yea, the ribbon photo cracked up lotsa JRT owners out there. Heh.
Hey Sundae,
Cool - we will add you to the list.
Also, please delete the comment left from Justin - he is a nasty spammer and if you click on his link you will get nasty stuff on your computer. He is doing the rounds of all our blogs at the moment :-(
Thanks Opy,
Is he really that EVIL? Miss Sunsahde had warn me about him some time ago too. Will take note to delete his comments when he posts.
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